The German industrial valve industry exported products of 5 Billion Euro in 2023

English summary of the article (link below):

The industrial valve industry in Germany is looking back on 2022 with mixed feelings. Despite difficult conditions, companies were able to generate a nominal increase in sales of 12%. Domestic business grew by 8%, while foreign sales climbed by 14%. However, adjusted for inflation, the sales growth of 12% represents only a 1% increase. The strong sales growth is largely due to inflation, especially the exploding energy and raw material prices, which have put pressure on manufacturers. Nevertheless, the valve industry has managed to hold its course in a difficult environment. In all product groups, there was a significant increase in sales, but this growth was also driven by inflation. In particular, safety and monitoring valves performed well, with a nominal increase in sales of 17%. The outlook remains cautiously positive, with order intake in all three areas higher than in the previous year. German valve manufacturers were successful in international competition, exporting industrial valves worth around €4.8 billion. This represents an increase of 6.2% compared to the previous year and is 6% higher than the pre-crisis level of 2019.

By Nicolas