The image shows a man in a professional setting, standing confidently with a tablet in his hands. He is dressed in business-casual attire, wearing a light blue shirt and a dark cardigan, with an ID badge around his neck. Behind him is a modern industrial facility with advanced machinery, possibly an automated manufacturing or assembly line.

Of course, you do. But you’re not the engineering manager or the head of maintenance and repair. You may not even be a shift or department supervisor. And yet you can do something important to make your plant run better.

“There’s an app for that.”

Ever since the introduction of the iPhone and Google app stores, it has been easy to just download a specific application that you need, pay for it easily and cheaply, and begin using it almost immediately. What would you say if you knew that you could do that for industrial automation and process control applications as well as games and such.

What we’re talking about here is control valve monitoring and control valve diagnostics—the bane of maintenance departments across the world. Plants don’t have time to inspect all their valves, and so valves contribute to as much as 20% downtime. Stiction, overshoot, undershoot, dead band, leakage, wear, all contribute to downtime and potentially dangerous situations.

Well, here’s something you can do. You can download and start using the UReason Control Valve Diagnostics App. It is designed to be used by non-scientists, and you can start small, with just a few control valves and controllers. Like apps from the App Store, it doesn’t cost much either.

You don’t need any additional sensors, and the data it needs is data you already have. The input is setpoint and valve position from the controller of the control valves. If position feedback isn’t available, other data from flow/level/pressure/temperature and environment can be substituted. That’s all. No IT issues, no need for budgetary approval – just straight forward control valve monitoring.

The Control Valve App comes in three options: Basic, Premium, and Enterprise. The Basic version provides a PDF report with valve health status, failure detection, and benchmarking across the asset base. The basic version allows you to start control valve monitoring within a matter minutes. Premium includes streaming data connection, automatic work orders and live dashboards. The

Enterprise version allows you to connect your control valves with other assets and processes and gives you monthly control valve diagnostics reviews with subject matter experts from UReason.
So, you can start with Valve App Basic—almost a “do it yourself” project, and you can show management that you have produced significant improvement in control valve monitoring, reduced downtime, and saved money.

That’s a huge win. Advance control valve diagnostics will lead to reduce downtime, reduce on-site inspections, reduce product and energy losses, and lower risks to the plant and the employees due to early warning of problems.

And while you’re at it, you might be seen as a smart worker who should get a promotion or a raise in pay.

So, think about what you can do to make your plant run better. There is a way. There’s an app for that.

Download Control Valve App brochure

If you want to see how the CVA works, and how you can best use it, you can download a brochure here.

By David