There are several databases that exist that have Mean Time To Failure (MTTF) and Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF) data for industrial assets. Some examples include:

  • The Reliability Data Handbook: This database, maintained by the U.S. Department of Defense, contains MTBF data for a wide range of electronic components;
  • The Equipment Reliability Data Handbook (ERDB): This database, maintained by the Air Force;Research Laboratory, contains MTBF data for a wide range of aerospace and defense equipment;
  • The ERH, by Exida, provides a collection of failure rate data that is applicable for use in Safety Instrumented System (SIS);
  • The Aladon Network: This organization maintains a database of MTBF data for equipment used in the oil and gas industry; and
  • The OREDA Handbook. This database, initiated by the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate, contains reliability data (failures modes and rates), related to topside and subsea equipment used in offshore oil and gas industry.

Note though that the difficulty in using the data from these databases/books is that the context and process conditions as well as the level of care: maintenance and repairs you have given your assets, is unknown and likely differs from how you are using your assets.

By Jules